
I blog for therapy – it takes things I’m thinking about at any particular time and moves them from the heavy (sometimes light) thought mode to a refreshing release as the words are written.  In today’s world, there are so many things that create thoughts, or burdens, or passions, or actions, and being able to sit down then and just document the things swirling provide such a tremendous release. 

I have so many very close friends that write such wonderful words in emails, and that’s their way of doing a very similar thing – recording their thoughts, but only to a specifically defined address list.

I’m very grateful for this modern form of therapy!  I’m also very thankful to each of you who read this and in your own way give me confirmation that the thoughts swirling in my head often times have meaning to you when you visit this site and read these words.

One Response to “Therapy”

  1. realdeal42 on 22 Nov 2008 at 1:51 pm #

    I definitely identify with you on this. Sometimes I think to myself that there’s no point if no one’s reading my blog, but then I come back to the fact that it’s good to write anyways.

    I also like the “journal” feel, in that I can go back months (or years) and see what I was thinking/feeling/experiencing at the time.