Restless (3) defines habit as “a recurrent often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition”. 

I think I’m going to define habit instead as “getting up after midnight every night in a totally restless and uncomfortable state”.

I’m back at my desk for the third night in a row, having gone to sleep with a desperate hope for sustained rest, but finding no relief from my middle of the night discomfort.

It’s fascinating and baffling all at the same time.  The restlessness begins just after midnight, and it ends in a peaceful slumber about 2:00 am.

But during those two hours, so many things go through my head, some directly tied to the burdens of the day, and then others brought on by the prayerful worship impassioned by my favorite songs.  The more I get lost in the music, the further away those burdens seem to be.  The further away those burdens seem to be, the more the peace sets in. 

Tonight, I’m thankful to Chris Tomlin for his song, Made to Worship. 

He has filled our hearts with wonder

So that we always remember

You and I were made to worship

You and I are called to love

You and I are forgiven and free.

Is it possible that my restlessness is by design, and in that restlessness I find worship, and in that worship I find peace?

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