Puzzle Pieces (2)
Dec 10th 2009stf6992Business & Life
And it’s really not a puzzle.
It’s more like a transformer.
Different things come together in different ways.
And then those different things connect in an even bigger way.
And rarely does what emerges at the end look anything like what you envisioned at the beginning!
And maybe that’s the fun.
New events create new pieces that drive new shapes with new connections providing new transformations.
Some people are still trying to shove old pieces into new connections.
It just doesn’t work.
Transformation requires adaptation, and adaptation requires mental agility.
It reminds me of those pictures that change as you move in front of them.
This puzzle is changing too.
It’s not for the weak hearted.
It’s not for the dogmatic.
It’s not for the perfectionist.
But oh the joy to the puzzle builder when that beautiful transformation emerges.
Then it’s off to the next one.
There’s no fun in staring too long at something so beautiful!