We woke up this morning to a heavy, very wet, spring snow. The trees and bushes are struggling to hold up under the burden of such a heavy dusting.

And looking down the street, the snow is falling almost like rain, and the tire tracks are rivers of water already flowing to the drains at the bottom of our hill.

But in the hearts and lives of millions of Christians across the world, burdens are lifted and the sun is shining bright as we celebrate Easter!
At some point today, this snow will all be gone, and even if just for a moment, the sun will come out and the sun’s light will embrace this area with its warmth. It seems to happen that way every year.
And that’s what happened on that Easter morning some 2,000 years ago. As His followers struggled with the burden of His death, they woke up that Easter morning to the dreary realization of the loss of their Messiah.

But when they approached the tomb where He had been buried, they were met by God’s messenger who said, “Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here.” [Mark 16:6 – NIV]
That darkness that they were emotionally engulfed in quickly turned to light, and the Son who had been mercilessly crucified, showed Himself to them in all of His glory. He had overcome death…just as He had told them He would!  The Son embraced them with His light!
For some, this was just great theater and great drama. For me, it was the ultimate example of love and obedience. And that Son who died on that cross is still shining today, warming the hearts of all those who believe.
So I’m anxiously waiting for that moment today when the clouds will break and the sun will shine. And when that moment comes, I’ll smile in remembering once again His sacrifice and His love on that cross!