Moving Forward

One of the great challenges we face today is the dramatic change that is going to occur in our organization, and I worry (probably way too much) about all the different things that can cause us to halt our progress or cause friction in the change process that isn’t needed.  In so many organizations, we tend to create our own barriers to success, and we let things that happen completely derail any forward momentum that we may have achieved. 

One of my favorite blogs is, and she had a link on her blog today to this video:

Being Stuck!

Although the title of “Government Workers” is unfortunate and inappropriate, the premise of the video is so typical of both individuals and organizations that are faced with unexpected barriers to success.  In this case, a path forward is so obvious and yet the two indivdiduals are reluctant to recognize and to take those individual steps to overcome the unexpected stop in their journey forward.

This is so true of any change process in any organization today – when the momentum is halted in any fashion at all, that sense of hopelessness sets in as those now in limbo wait for others to pick them up and carry them forward.

Change is not for the weak at heart; change is not for those short on conviction; change is not for those who second guess themselves once that change process beings.  Change is for those visionaries with courage to act in advance of adversity and to charge forward while overcoming all friction applied to their path. 

I’ve been on that escalator.  In some ways, I may still be on that escalator!

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