I am Indeed Thankful
Oct 25th 2009stf6992Business & Faith & Life
(1) For long walks with someone I love
(2) For smiles that come at Avs games
(3) For talks with the kids
(4) For hugs and butterfly kisses which still occur
(5) For wisdom from my Dad
(6) For encouragement from friends
(7) For accountability for things said and things committed to
(8) For passion in life and in work
(9) For being challenged by others
(10) For evidence of God’s presence
(11) For reminders of God’s grace
(12) For weekends with the family
(13) For snow right after the car’s been washed
(14) For that perfect song at the perfect time
(15) For those that share their lives and their stories
(16) For excitement about the little things that go right
(17) For learning when both the little and big things go wrong
(18) For the incredible beauty of snow covered mountains
(19) For the brakes the were applied to miss that dog
(20) For answered prayers
(21) For opportunities beyond belief
(22) For honesty and candor from those whose opinion mean the most to me
(23) For the wit and sarcasm from loved ones that keep me grounded
(24) For the mentoring from those who have done things right
(25) For the willingness to share lessons learned from those who have done things not-so-right
(26) For the joy of seeing little ones grow
(27) For the joy of seeing not-so-little ones grow
(28) For friends who call unexpectedly with steaks ready to be grilled
(29) For friends who drop everything and respond when needed
(30) For cheerleaders who give pick me ups to those who are typically cheerleaders
(31) For prayer partners
(32) For meaningful whispers that can be heard
(33) For compelling business objectives
(34) For unconditional love
(35) For patience from others