
Who does it hurt more – the one you know isn’t capable of doing the job or those around that individual who are expected to cover the one that is letting others down?

Who does it hurt more - the one you put on a pedestal to try and protect for the team or the team who is accomplishing so much behind the scenes without needing or expecting the pedestal?

Who does it hurt more - the one who is doing something wrong and you ignore it to avoid conflict or those who are directly affected by the wrong who must then live with the consequences?

The answer is obviously the latter in each case.

By nature, we want to avoid conflict.  In reality, when we avoid the conflict and allow or enable the wrong through omission or commission, we are hurting those who then must deal with the consequences of the wrong.

We all know we should confront and rebuke the wrongs, yet we don’t; instead, we hope we can subtly nurture it all away.

It doesn’t work that way.

We know it.

Yet we do it anyway.

Time for all of us to change.

And minimize the hurt.

To more quickly regain the joy.

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