Getting Old

I’m trying to figure out if my wife is telling me something.  Here’s the book she gave me yesterday:

I must admit, I do like things to occur in certain ways.  I do get just a little bit cranky when something I want to do gets pushed aside for something someone else wants to do.  I do get a little bit grouchy when folks are really loud around me and having a good time and I want to be in a quiet time doing quiet things.  But I’m not crotchety…never have been…never will be.

By the way, defines crotchety as “given to odd notions, whims, or grouchiness, of the nature of a crotchet.”  Now that says it all…how could anyone think I’m crotchety?  Another definition says, “having a difficult and contrary disposition.”  Unbelievable…that is so not me!

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