Dec 16th 2009stf6992Business & Life
I’m learning (ever so slowly) that most of the things I’m working on are not getting done in a perfect fashion. In fact, I think it’s not much of a stretch to say that absolutely nothing I’m doing is being done perfectly today.
So I have two choices:
(1) Focus intently on those things that aren’t getting done perfectly trying to make them perfect and then get nothing done
(2) Accept that things will be imperfect, and allow things to get done in an imperfect way
I personally have found awe and wonder in imperfection.
It’s that contract that doesn’t go right that opens up a door for something very different and very amazing to get done.
It’s that relationship that seems awkward that opens our minds up for new ways of communicating and new acceptance of our differences.
It’s that meeting that starts out wrong and in the quest to get it back on track something magical happens that leads to a new epiphany and a new harmony with the team.
It’s that project plan that goes desperately off track and in seeking those course corrections a new and faster and cheaper way of reaching the milestones is discovered.
Imperfection is only a bad thing if we desperately and dogmatically seek perfection.