Archive for April, 2010


Which would you choose? Sports car or family vehicle? Hard cover or audio tape? Wine or beer? Ruth’s Chris or Golden Corral? Long email or hand written letter? Mow your own lawn or lawn service? Fly or drive? Functional executive of a large company or big boss of a small one? Rock or country? IMax […]


It’s an understatement to say people are busy today. Most companies have cut back. Staffs are at a minimum.  Doing more with less is normal. And yet the requirements to report, explain, justify, defend keep growing. Those up the chain can do those doing the bulk of the work a big favor by asking very […]

Unconventional, Unexpected

After unprecedented success in his 3 years as the head coach of Butler, 33-year old Brad Stevens accepted a 12 year extension this past week, putting an end to any rumors that he might be jumping ship and heading to one of those arguably higher profile jobs at a “big name”, “big conference” school.  He was […]

Assessing Blame

I smiled this morning as I waited for my car to be brought up by the valet at the hotel.  The airport shuttle pulled up, picked up a person (it was 5:00 in the morning), got him nestled in amongst a shuttle load of other customers, waited to see if anyone else came out, and […]

Who Dem Dat Dare?

Who dem dat dare? Obviously a play on words.  Obviously borrowed from that long forsaken team in the deep south that pulled off the miracle this year that launched emails flying that “hell has finally frozen over” with the trip to, and then victory in, the Super Bowl. Obviously one or more words short of something dat […]

He Said/She Said

Over the 33 years (almost to the day) that my wife and I have been communicating (from the time we first dated till now), we have a history of interpreting what’s said and what’s done in very different ways.  Of course, she’s got the memory of an elephant and never forgets anything – at least her version […]


When I was young, I cherished the more experienced guys on the team because they certainly had been through situations very similar to whatever was being thrown at us at that time.  Of course none of them ever told me any differently, wanting to be the respected sage or the trusted elder in whatever crisis we […]

If I could…

If I could draw, I think I’d draw eagles in flight. If I could write books, I think I’d write books like “A Bridge too Far”. If I could play any sport professionally, I think I’d play football…something special about team sports. If I could write songs, I think I’d write songs like “God Bless […]

Peanut Butter

Florence Fabricant said that “peanut butter is the pate (pah-tay) of childhood”. I’m not sure I agree with that, but I do believe that when peanut butter is matched with just about anything or even nothing, most kids and even many adults are satisfied. The combinations are endless, but here are a few: peanut butter and jelly […]

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