Archive for October, 2008


Back in early September, I added a primary duty to my job responsibilities – CEO of an $80M company.  I smile just thinking about that statement – “a primary duty” – because actually I have at least a couple primary duties and today I think they are all making me smile. Here is a far from exhaustive […]

Life with a 14 Year Old (21)

Two grande drinks at Starbucks – $8.71 Parking at the Pepsi Center – $10.00 Nachos and two drinks – $13.00 Front row seats as surprise gift to my 14 year old – PRICELESS!

Life with a 14 Year Old (20)

My 14 year old has been begging me for a new phone for months now.  Three months ago it was a desperate need for an I-Phone, because everyone at school had one.  Three months later, its now a Blackberry Pearl – everybody’s got one of them now too.  I’ve been stunned by my consistency in response […]

Flying High

I surprised my 14 year old when I got home this evening by getting her front row seats for the Avs game tomorrow night.  She’s been begging me to go all week long and after last night’s loss, it became even more urgent than ever that she be there and show her support.  When I […]


In the past 10 years, I’ve been fortunate enough to be part of two very different environments – one of incredible and unprecedented growth and a second of extreme austerity in market spending and thus intense competition for every single revenue dollar.  In the first, the most important aspect of our company was not great […]

Two Lives

I realized this morning how much I really do live two lives – the one that is somewhat orderly, makes things neat, and follows a routine; and the other one that loves chaos, likes a mess, and truly enjoys change.  The orderly life I lead is heavily (if not solely) influenced by my wonderful bride […]

All Smiles

I was all smiles tonight as I attended the wedding of a dear friend.  He married his constant companion and best friend after 7 years of getting to know each other.  She was absolutely beautiful, and he was his typical goofy self as he tried to hide the nerves with his facial expressions and comical actions.  You could tell by their […]

Tough Decision

Last night, my 20 year old son asked “Dad, you want to go see Saw V with me?”  I quickly said, “uhh, no.” Shortly thereafter, my 14 year old daughter asked, “Dad, you want to see High School Musical 3 with me?”  I equally as quickly said, “uhh, no.” It’s hard to imagine any larger […]


I’m going back and forth between the Oklahoma State – Texas and the Georgia – LSU games.  I switched over to the Texas game just at the beginning of an on the field interview with a billionaire that is a big contributor to Oklahoma State.  The announcer asked, “I’m sure folks want to know what […]


I suffer from an inability to focus on more than one thing at once.  For example: — if I’m reading a message on my email, whether on the laptop or the blackberry, if someone is talking with me I hear very few if any of the words that are spoken and if they then need […]

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